October 2024. Background image designed and created using Blockade Labs AI (panoramic image generator), and modified in Photoshop and Illustrator. (I did not write the text within)
https://360.articulate.com/review/content/51ae0718-256a-4c75-9208-9620632ca210/reviewStoryline 360. I designed and programmed this interactive app to support a train the trainer course for new instructors. Assets designed and developed using Photoshop and Illustrator. Select the link at the bottom to view live demo.
Learning Objective Generator and "SMART" GoalsModule covers training overview and requirements. Built with Storyline 360 and visual (images, video, animations) assets built using AI image generator, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere. Select the link below to view live sample.
Train the Trainer - eBook Module (2023)Built using Storyline 360, with assets built using Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, and After Effects. Misc examples of tab interface, flip card reveals, animations, video, et al. Select the link below to view live sample.
Global Support Ops - eBook Training Module (2023)Storyline-built; assets built using Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, and After Effects. Select the link below to view live sample.
Fundamentals eBook moduleSemi-interactive, simulation of control tower radar display control. Mimics the general experience for a tower controller and how they'd interact with the screen while monitoring flights. Built in Storyline (using multiple variables and triggers); with video animation captured using Storyline's screencasting function, audio edited in Adobe Audition, and additional visual assets built in Photoshop and Illustrator.
CTRD Demo (2022)Storyline 360 built FAA course module. Animation created with Vyond, and all other visual assets designed and created with Photoshop and Illustrator.
UAV - Module (2021-22)Built using Storyline 360. Animation built in After Effects, audio edited using Adobe Audition, and other visual assets in Photoshop and Illustrator.
NAV Module (2021)Online example includes an AI help “chat bot” (Cluelabs). Open the link below, and look in the lower right of the window (Click the ? chat bubble). Select the link below to view live sample.
Storyline Course with BranchingUsed After Effects to create motion graphics and placed clips into Storyline. This sample includes both motion layout and 100% Storyline layout themes. Select the link below to view live sample.
View sample layoutsAnimation in After Effects; built in Storyline 360
Tech Title Slide Layout/AnimationStarter template designed in Storyline. Background and static visual assets created using Photoshop and Illustrator (animation was done within Storyline).
Airline Themed Storyline Template“M.E.M.O.” = Micro ELearning Mastery Opportunity: Interface designed using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Vyond, and built and published in Storyline. Concept created by Kathy V. as a means to socialize/increase knowledge of ELearning design standards for non-designers tasked with ELearning development. Select the link below to view live sample.
M.E.M.O.Cost of not hiring the right employees. Built in Vyond and published in Storyline. Select the link below to view live sample.
“Hiring@OurCo”Standard course built using Storyline, visual assets/graphics in Photoshop and Illustrator. Select the link below to view live sample.
Storyline SampleStoryline built demo of software application. Assets designed and developed using Photoshop, Illustrator, and Storyline's screencasting app. Select link below to view live demo.
Lexia DemoStoryline built demo of software application. Assets designed and developed using Photoshop, Illustrator, and Storyline's screencasting app. Select link below to view live demo.
Lexia Demo 2Low-poly template design in multi-color options. Select link below to view live demo.
Storyline template designs“How to Create a Custom Character in Vyond.” Animation built in Vyond. Compiled and published in Adobe Captivate.
Captivate SampleI designed and maintained this training portal using Lectora with CSS etc to support various training programs for financial services representatives. Used product branding (logos, icons and colors) to create a consistent/cohesive theme. I do not have the original Lectora file to publish an active online demo; but this screen shot shows the most recent portal home page.
Lectora-built course describing career options and technical career paths for an engineering firm.
View an abridged sample in action (published using a trial version of Lectora).Highly abridged sample of interviewing course. Note - This sample was published using a trial version of Lectora, so functionality is limited.
View PBI sample course online.Train the trainer course for SCAN IT scanner/self checkout device for large grocery chain trainers.
View a demo of this Lectora course.My first ELearning project, 2001. I designed and developed a mandatory employee Information Security Policy Awareness course with interactive scenarios and games within a relatable, customized visual interface built using Authorware and Adobe CC. (Note: Since modern browsers do not support Authorware web-published content, I had to create a screencast video on my laptop running an executable, or “.exe” packaged version of the course to demonstrate it in action.)